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2024年03月06日 | ジボダン社は、CDPの「サプライヤー・エンゲージメント評価」における「サプライヤーとのエンゲージメント」でAスコアを獲得し、再びリーダーボードに選定されました。
2024年02月06日 | ジボダン社はこの度、CDPの「気候変動」および「水セキュリティ」分野で「Aリスト企業」に選定され 、5年連続のダブルA獲得を果たしました。評価対象となった21,000社以上もの企業の中から、ダブルAを獲得した数少ない企業となれたことを嬉しく思います。
  • 企業
  • フレグランス&ビューティ
2024年02月13日 | ジボダン社は本日、最高経営責任者(CEO)のジル・アンドリエが、6月5日にニューヨークで開催される「2024年フレグランス・ファンデーション・アワード」にて、フレグランス財団(TFF)から名誉ある「ホール・オブ・フェイム(殿堂入り)賞」を受賞することを発表いたします。
  • テイスト&ウェルビーイング
2023年11月28日 | ジボダン社とカリフォルニア大学バークレー校が今年で5回目となる共同研究を実施し、代替タンパク質の効率性を高める方法について革新的な研究結果を発表しました。
  • テイスト&ウェルビーイング
2023年11月21日 | ジボダンは本日、ニューロサイエンス(神経科学)企業のThimus社との提携を発表しました。Thimus社は、人間の食体験を解明する鍵となる明示的・暗示的なデータを統合・提供する独自のTBoxプラットフォームの開発者です。
  • 企業
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2023年09月20日 | ジボダン社、2023年 RE100で「エンタープライズ・リーダー」を受賞
  • テイスト&ウェルビーイング
2023年08月31日 | 高まるインフレ圧力、気候変動、そして尾を引くCOVID-19によって、消費者の健康や価値観、習慣に関する意思決定の方法が、急速に変化しています。ジボダンは、今回初めてCanvas8社と提携し、最新のFlavourVision®レポートで消費者に見られる5つのマクロトレンドを 掘り下げました。
  • テイスト&ウェルビーイング
2023年07月03日 | ジボダン社、Zurich Innovation Centre併設のProtein Hubに乳製品代替食品開発施設を増設
  • テイスト&ウェルビーイング
2023年05月23日 | ジボダン社は本日、2025年に向けたデジタル戦略の一環として、Customer Foresightをリリースします。フランス・パリのジボダンデジタルファクトリー で独自に開発された未来を見据えるプラットフォーム、Customer Foresightは、ジボダン社の従業員が持つ知見、ビッグデータ、AIを融合し、消費者の期待を予測し、市場で支持される食体験を創造します。
  • テイスト&ウェルビーイング
2023年05月11日 | ジボダン社が独自に開発した味覚を表現する言語Sense It®は、今年で30周年を迎えます。この言語が最初に開発されたのは1993年。それ以降、標準化された共通言語として、食体験の評価や差別化、革新的な製品の開発に世界中で広く使用されてきました。
2023年05月03日 | 2030年までに、シニアリーダーの50%を女性に
  • 企業
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2022年11月15日 | ジボダン ジャパン株式会社(東京都品川区、代表取締役社長:小山 名保子)は、テイスト&ウェルビーイングとフレグランス&ビューティ分野の世界的なリーダー、ジボダン社(スイス)の2022年度第3四半期の売上高が5,458百万スイスフラン(前年同期比7.7%増)となり、為替、買収、売却等の要因を除外した業績ベースで同6.1%増になったと発表しました。
  • テイスト&ウェルビーイング
2022年07月19日 | ジボダン ジャパン株式会社(東京都品川区、代表取締役社⻑:⼩⼭ 名保⼦)は、テイスト&ウェルビーイングの世界的なリーディングカンパニーであるジボダン社(スイス)が、⽇本法⼈のテイスト&ウェルビーイング事業部⾨管掌副社⻑にシッドハース・シン(Sidharth Singh)を任命したと、公表しました。
  • 企業
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2022年04月12日 | ジボダン社(スイス)の2022年度第1四半期(1月-3月)の売上高が1,780百万スイスフラン(前年同期比6.4%増)となり、為替、買収、売却等の要因を除外した業績ベースでは同4.6%増になったと発表しました。
Our fragrances are expertly crafted by a talented team of perfumers and scientists from around the world using the newest techniques to mix innovation and sustainability to create an impact.
Our perfumers look at our palette of ingredients as a palette of opportunities, always bringing new inspiring creations to life that ignite happiness and delight.
Our cutting-edge technologies draw on science and nature to create high-performing molecules and functional agents, including customised carrier systems. 
Givaudan has been crafting fine fragrances for over 250 years. Today, we continue to build on this rich heritage, working hand-in-hand with our diverse customers to translate their vision into iconic scents that consumers love.
当社は、積極的に環境保護に貢献する企業となることを目指しています。B Corp認定は、当社がこの目標を達成していることを第三者が証明するものとなります。
  • 企業
2022年02月15日 | ジボダン社が新しいブランド・アイデンティティ「Human by nature」を明らかにしました。ジボダン社は、その役割およびジボダン社がお客様と世界全体にもたらす価値をよりよく反映させるために、その表現方法を変えようとしています。
  • 企業
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2022年02月10日 | ジボダン社、最新のCDPサプライヤーエンゲージメントリーダーボードでグローバルサプライチェーンにおけるリーダーシップを認定される。
There are flavours and then there are iconic flavours. Travelling the world, you quickly discover that people everywhere have a great affinity for a small number of specific flavour types.
Hear about our latest news.
From the first cup of coffee in the morning to the last sip of cocoa at night – and every meal, snack or drink in between – our solutions add magic to everyday moments.
From plant-based products to functional foods that support immune health, we understand the market drivers that are shaping the industry – and we have the solutions you need to stay one step ahead.
We are passionate about collaborating with customers and partners to develop game-changing innovations and holistic food experiences.
Our extensive portfolio of tools and programmes brings new perspectives to flavour creation and beyond. And that’s just the beginning.
  • 企業
  • フレグランス&ビューティ
2022年01月26日 | ジボダン社は、Active Beauty事業の能力拡大を目指す「2025年に向けての5か年計画」の一環として、初期段階の革新的な企業に焦点を絞ったブラジルの投資ファンド、Criatec FundからNanovetores Groupの株式48%を取得したと発表しました。 
Innovation, in all its many forms, sits at the heart of our business. At Givaudan, we take an end-to-end approach and continually seek new and exciting ways to address consumer desires and our customers’ challenges.
By going beyond great taste to create food experiences that do good and feel good, for body, mind and planet, Givaudan Taste & Wellbeing aims to be at the leading edge of this movement.
Integrated Solutions are combinations of taste, sense, nutrition and/or health ingredients and technologies that, when brought together, bring more value than using the individual ingredients and technologies on their own.
Our Health Essentials and Wellness Essentials include a fantastic selection of natural solutions that meet many of today’s most common health needs, including immune system support, healthy ageing and cognitive performance.
From reduced-sugar chocolate bars to nutritional beverages packed with vitamins and minerals, today’s consumers expect ‘healthy’ and ‘delicious’ to go hand in hand. They want nutritionally balanced food and beverage experiences, and they are not prepared to compromise on taste or mouthfeel.
We go beyond taste with our complete natural ingredient solutions for colour, preservation and texture. Givaudan can help you deliver multi-sensory food experiences that surprise and delight consumers.
Givaudan strives to understand the intricacies of how and why people around the world enjoy particular tastes.
Mind, body and planet: the foods of tomorrow will delight our senses, enhance our wellbeing and satisfy our aspirations. Create your next consumer experience with Givaudan’s full range of solutions.
Givaudan’s Chef’s Council is a summit that includes some of the most respected and renowned chefs, providing a direct line to culinary trends from across the world.
Givaudan’s treks take our teams beyond the confines of laboratories, kitchens and offices to discover insights that lead to the creation of new food experiences.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it,” said Peter Drucker, world renowned business strategist. He may well have been speaking of the shifting patterns in taste and flavour preferences. Givaudan’s FlavourVision® is a future-focused programme that connects global markets with consumers, helping our customers to stay ahead of the game, transforming trends into flavours.
Dairy is a traditional category, largely dictated by local consumer preferences. That plays to our strengths as a worldwide company, embedded in national cultures. The segment is opening up however, and Givaudan is bringing global knowledge and technology to bear in innovative ways, giving consumers diverse taste experiences designed to resonate at a local level.
From nachos to nuts, when we think of having a snack, there’s often the dilemma of choosing between ‘healthy’ and ‘indulgent’. But, consumers no longer need to make that choice: it’s possible to have both.
From mouth-watering candy to beautifully baked cakes, sweet goods look, smell and taste exquisite.
Givaudan’s savoury experts are solely focused on bringing superior taste experiences to packaged foods and snacks, from plant-based burgers to chips, opening waves of opportunities to our customers, helping them to meet consumer needs and demands.
Whether it’s a relaxing cup of tea, an invigorating wake-me-up coffee, or a refreshing citrus drink, the best beverages offer a multi-sensory experience that goes far beyond hydration.
Once the most widely used ingredient in the food industry, salt is experiencing a paradigm shift in its application.
Givaudan’s Nutri Tastesolutions® Sugar provides a solution that allows less or no sugar on the label for a better nutritional value, without compromising the taste.
Cheese is one of the most complex foods in the world, with very specific local taste profiles. Add to this the fact that dairy, together with cheese, constitutes the most popular flavour profile in the snacks segment of the food market, and it’s clear why authenticity in dairy and cheese flavours are key to success.
Where once coffee was just a staple beverage of the West, today its appeal ranges across the globe, with a recent explosion in drink opportunities, particularly in Asia. With our TasteEssentials® Coffee programme we take a truly comprehensive approach to coffee flavour developments, creating signature coffee beverage experiences, in myriad formats, that appeal to our customers’ consumers, who now enjoy it as both hot and cold refreshments.
Vanilla is one of the world’s best-loved flavours. With its sweet taste and creamy aroma, it’s a universal favourite not only for ice cream, but also for sweet goods, dairy and non-dairy products.
From an ice-cold glass of sparkling lemonade to a fiery limoncello, it’s easy to see why citrus is the world’s number one beverage flavour.
Today’s dairy markets are complex, intensely competitive, and rapidly evolving, with high expectations, pressures and influences coming from many different directions. We know that consumers are acutely aware of ingredients, label declarations, health issues, and quality.
Working with internationally renowned chefs for inspiration, we have found a way to capture the essence of freshness by locking it in. Our new freshness technology revitalises convenience foods by making dishes taste like they were prepared just moments earlier.
The invention of the TV dinner in 1953 was a revelation in convenient ready-made meals. Sixty years on, however, the taste gap between convenience meals and home cooking is still palpable. Now consumers can expect the unexpected, thanks to Givaudan’s TasteSolutions® Richness, which delivers a breakthrough in recreating the authentic flavours of home-made foods.
The man who discovered monosodium glutamate (MSG), chemist Kikunae Ikeda, coined its distinctive flavour as ‘umami’, a colloquial Japanese word meaning ‘delicious taste’. First used by Japanese housewives in 1909 as a substitute for meat stock, MSG produces a succulence and depth of flavour in cooking. Today, Givaudan is able to replicate this succulence without using MSG.
Our ongoing culinary exploration enables us to truly understand the many nuances of chicken flavour, identifying and creating the most natural, delicious and authentic flavours imaginable.
Beef is one of the world’s most popular meats, forming the basis of many national dishes. We deliver a tantalising savoury beef experience, even in plant-based products.
With the acquisition of Activ International, Givaudan has strenghten its capabilities in marine extracts and seafood flavours.
Drawing on global culinary influences and our innovative expertise, our range offers unique ingredients to create all kinds of tasty products, including sauces, ready meals, processed meat and snacks.
With an expanded portfolio of products across flavours, taste, functional and nutritional solutions and a deep knowledge of the food ecosystem, Givaudan’s passion is to collaborate with customers and partners to develop game-changing innovations in food and beverages.
Plant Attitude: the movement towards plant-based diets goes beyond nutrition and enjoyment. It is an attitude for body, mind and planet – an attitude towards the future.
Givaudan has been helping manufacturers to create alternative protein products that taste delicious since before it was cool. As a global leader in this space we are always looking for new ideas, solutions and collaborative innovation opportunities to help tackle complex technical challenges of alternative proteins.
Nutritional beverages with high protein content are becoming ever more popular for sports and a healthy fix on the go. Producers are still facing challenges, though, in terms of flavour and texture. Using our knowledge and technologies, we are on a mission to deliver great taste in high protein drinks, and we have solutions for both dairy and plant proteins.
Our aim is to bridge the gap between animal and plant protein by providing flavours with a real meaty taste and at the same time, helping to make plant-based products healthier.
Givaudan’s objective is to help ensure its sustainable availability for a global market that constantly seeks new ways to enjoy citrus.
Our vanilla portfolio ranges from origin-specific vanilla to natural solutions to replace ethylvanillin in your products. It also includes customised extracts (in liquid form, concentrates or powders) and natural vanilla flavours (from organic beans, fairly traded, kosher, halal and non-GMO solutions).
We’ve joined with the bright minds of the University of California, Berkeley. Our research explored the fish and seafood alternatives market, identifying the main industry challenges, analysing consumer demands and characterising market developments for plant-based protein.
Refreshing and uplifting, citrus is the world’s favourite beverage taste and one of Givaudan’s most-loved ingredients.
Our digital tools translate consumer insights into actionable data to create food and beverage products. The result? Speedier product development and a higher chance of commercial success.
Most people think that great-tasting food is only about flavour. In fact, ‘mouthfeel’ – the sensation of a food or beverage in the mouth – is every bit as important as taste when it comes to genuinely savouring a sumptuous dish.
Backed by solid science, our TasteSolutions® capabilities deliver exceptional aspects of taste and nutrition across the spectrum, from soup to nuts – and beyond.
TasteCollections, our unparalleled portfolio of thousands of different flavours and kitchen ingredients. is our way of capturing the ‘here and now’, and focusing the latest culinary and consumer trends into products that make an impact the moment they hit the shelves.
In whatever discipline you work in, you contribute to the flavours and fragrances that touch and delight people every day.
2021年03月24日 | ジボダン社のテイスト&ウェルビーイング事業部は、画期的な新しいデジタル・センソリー・インサイトツールである、Aroma Kioskを発表しました。これは、食料品店やデパート、大学、ショッピングモールなどの人の往来が多い環境で消費者とつながり、貴重な消費者インサイトを収集し、商品をリアルタイムで推奨するよう設計されています。
Plant Attitude is our global approach to the alternative protein movement across all categories: plant-based meat, plant-based fish and seafood, and plant-based dairy alternatives.
Our holistic approach from nature to creation is grounded in a profound understanding of sourcing, natural extraction and cooking techniques. We are our customers’ natural partner to create food and drinks that delight consumers’ senses.
Givaudan’s Chef’s Council is a summit that includes some of the most respected and at the edge of culinary artistry, focused on the pursuit of taste perfection.
2022年01月17日 | ジボダン社(スイス)は、気候変動対応と水の安全性におけるリーダーシップが評価され、CDPから本年もダブル「A」に認定されました。ジボダン社は、2021年にCDPのアンケートを通じて提出されたデータに基づき採点された約12,000社の企業の中で、ダブル「A」を達成した数少ない企業の1社です。
ジボダン社は、テイスト&ウェルビーイングとフレグランス&ビューティ分野の世界的なリーダーです。私たちは、自然環境を敬い、人々のより幸せで健康的な暮らしを創造することで、人間の経験の素晴らしさを称えます。お客様とともに、ジボダン社は食体験をお届けし、インスピレーションを得たフレグランスを作り上げ、人々の美しさや心地よさのための美容とウェルビーイングのソリューションを開発しています。250年以上の歴史のあるジボダン社は、人々の幸せや健康を向上させ、自然にとって有益な影響力を高めることによって、パーパス(存在目的)に基づいた長期的な成長の達成に向けて取り組んでいます。「Human by nature」、これがまさにジボダン社です。日本市場には1920年代に参入し、1970年に創業。1973年はジボダン ジャパン株式会社を設立し、幅広く日本で事業を展開しています。日本では、香粧品香料、食品香料の製造販売及び輸入販売、ならびに合成香料、化粧品基材、食品関連商品の輸入販売を行っています。
Tea drinking has taken many turns in recent years. As well as more traditional black or green leaf brews, today’s consumers seek variety in their ready-to-drink tea options that marry convenience with healthy lifestyles.
ジボダン社は、テイスト&ウェルビーイングとフレグランス&ビューティ分野の世界的なリーダーです。私たちは、自然環境を敬い、人々のより幸せで健康的な暮らしを創造することで、人間の経験の素晴らしさを称えます。お客様とともに、ジボダン社は食体験をお届けし、インスピレーションを得たフレグランスを作り上げ、人々の美しさや心地よさのための美容とウェルビーイングのソリューションを開発しています。250年以上の歴史のあるジボダン社は、人々の幸せや健康を向上させ、自然にとって有益な影響力を高めることによって、パーパス(存在目的)に基づいた長期的な成長の達成に向けて取り組んでいます。「Human by nature」、これがまさにジボダン社です。
2022年01月05日 | テイスト&ウェルビーイングとフレグランス&ビューティにおける世界的なリーダー、ジボダン グループのジボダン ジャパン株式会社は、このたび、代表取締役社長の交代等、役員の異動を発表いたしました。
Givaudan’s Sense Colour Red offers a wide selection of natural, concentrated red hues for a variety of applications with enhanced stability, allowing a smooth transition from artificial to natural colours.
We are committed to respecting human rights wherever we do business. We strive to make a positive impact on the communities in which we are present and we recognise that we have an important obligation to contribute to preserving the environment and the planet’s biodiversity for future generations.
  • 企業
2021年11月23日 | ジボダン社は、デジタル機能を拡大する長期戦略の一環として、最もデジタル化が進んでいる市場の一つである中国に、新たなデジタルスペースを開設することを発表しました。これにより、当社はトランスフォーメーションの機会を活用し、中国およびアジア地域のお客様の成長をサポートすることができるようになります。
Inspired by our Company purpose of ‘creating for happier, healthier lives’, the Z-biome™ platform enables you to develop products that smell beautiful and respect the skin’s delicate microbiome. It features two innovative fragrance design tools that combine Givaudan’s unique scientific and perfumery expertise: My Z-biome™ and Z-biome™ Deo.
With TasteSolutions® Sweetness, we’ll help you achieve the right sweetness by providing flavour alternatives while keeping your product’s signature.
There are five reasons to invest in Givaudan, reason 4: A research-driven innovation process
There are five reasons to invest in Givaudan, reason 3: Naturally hedged portfolio for consistent growth
There are five reasons to invest in Givaudan, reason 2: A unique business model
There are five reasons to invest in Givaudan, reason 1: Our creations are critical to the success of our customer
We all know sugar adds up. So, on our mission to create delectable products with reduced sugar – craftsmanship and innovation is required. In your final lesson, discover how to formulate products consumers will love – without adding calories.
Join sugar-reduction expert Guillaume Blancher as he delves into label regulations, the evolution of our 'sweet tooth', sugar substitutes, modulation techniques, formulation considerations, and the meaning of 'healthy indulgence'.
Delve into science and data insights from our team of experts to understand why we love sugar so much – and how we can recreate sweetness while still supporting happy and wholesome lifestyles.
We've got a confection to make – your first lesson is jam-packed with useful knowledge. Here, you'll learn about: perceptions of sugar, customer health aspirations, key global facts and trends.
Brought to you by Givaudan experts from Consumer Sensory Insights, Research and Development and Marketing and Product Management teams, you will learn how a sprinkling of our expertise, analysis and sugar-reduced solutions can help you create tasty, nutritionally balanced recipes.
Brought to you by Givaudan experts from Consumer Sensory Insights, Research and Development and Marketing and Product Management teams, you will learn how a sprinkling of our expertise, analysis and sugar-reduced solutions can help you create tasty, nutritionally balanced recipes.
By going beyond great taste to create food experiences that do good and feel good, for body, mind and planet, Givaudan Taste & Wellbeing aims to be at the leading edge of this movement. By keeping our finger on the pulse of the latest developments and delivering a complete range of solutions, we can help solve more of our customers’ holistic challenges.
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  • テイスト&ウェルビーイング
2021年10月11日 | ジボダン社は、テイスト&ウェルビーイング事業におけるポートフォリオのグローバルな拡大を目指す「2025年に向けての5か年計画」の一環として、米国の天然色素メーカー、DDW ザ・カラーハウス社を買収することで合意したと発表しました。
Our experts travel the world looking for new sources of botanical ingredients, some of which are very familiar to consumers, while others are less well known and at the cutting edge of plant science.
On our journey to satisfy a new generation of plant-curious consumers, we're helping you create innovative food experiences that taste and feel as good as dairy. And our capabilities are boundless. We've got the creativity, inspiration and industry know-how to embrace this new type of consumer.
From raw material selection based on your preferred criteria (sustainability, cost, regional availability, nutrition) to the creation of delightful recipes, Givaudan supports you every step of the way.
Suitable for all skin types and family members (from 3 years old), even the most sensitive, Mask Tonic is a 92% natural-origin genderless day cream able to reduce redness and control hyperpigmentation due to face mask-wearing.
It is our intention to deliver growth through creating inspiring products for happier, healthier lives while achieving our ambitious financial targets and longer-term purpose ambitions.
Dot a small amount of product under the eye to make the magic happen and restore a youthful look. Powered by Sericoside, the cream will reduce the appearance of dark circles and wrinkles.
At Givaudan, we believe that positivity creates possibility. That’s why we’re working towards a bold ambition to become climate positive before 2050.
From our historic roots in Grasse to the present day, Givaudan’s 250-year journey has been marked by milestones in invention and acquisition, creativity, passion and innovation. Discover fascinating moments from our ongoing odyssey to enrich the world of scents and taste.
Our traditional Half Year investor conference on 26 August 2021, held under the heading ‘Delivering Food Experiences through our Nutrition, Health & Sense offering’, was hosted as a hybrid meeting that enabled 20 investors and analysts to attend the meeting in Zurich and a further 80 to participate virtually via a live webcast.
How we relax, connect and socialise has changed. Now, consumers want to enjoy the best occasions in life more mindfully. That’s why the majority of drinkers now want to reduce their alcohol consumption.
Learn more about Plant Attitude by exploring the latest plant-based news and innovations or browsing our resources.
Staying one step ahead of the plant-based protein movement requires a mix of technology and teamwork. That’s why our ecosystem is built on a strong, interconnected community of innovators.
From San Francisco to Singapore, Givaudan’s growing network of protein innovation spaces offers our customers a world of opportunities.
Specifically designed for plant-based products, our holistic and constantly expanding portfolio of ingredients and solutions delivers on taste, functionality, health and nutrition.
This glossary is a collection of business terms and definitions to help you understand the key usage of the terms for Givaudan.
Discover the multi-faceted stories that trace our proud heritage of creating taste and scent experiences over the past 250 years. From the origins of aromatics to the latest innovations in flavours and fragrances, our stories link our past to the present and inspire us to imagine what’s next.
Plant Attitude is our global approach to the alternative protein movement across all categories: plant-based meat, plant-based fish and seafood, and plant-based dairy alternatives.
We look for the best talent so our hiring process is structured to ensure we provide you a clear picture of every step.
Givaudan has created two fragrance technologies that capture the energy of our planet’s blue and green spaces. Phytogaia™ and Thalassogaia™ are designed to revitalise our bond with nature through our most primal sense: smell.
Check out what our plant engineer tells us about the innovative HyCool technology project advances to reduce GHG emissions at our Sant Celoni site in Spain.
On this page you will find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions for general aspects of the company, careers and investors topics.
Elevate your savoury sauces, dressings and more with the exceptional, authentic flavour of fire-roasted and kettle-cooked purees.
This highly natural well-ageing cream is the perfect formulation to target tired skin, aiming for a refreshed look and an immediately visible effect.

  • 企業
  • フレグランス&ビューティ
2021年07月01日 | ジボダン社は、消費者向けパッケージ商品(CPG)や高級消費財のお客様向けのメイクアップ製品とスキンケア製品の開発・製造に特化したイタリアの革新的企業、b.kolormakeup & skincare社の株式の25%を取得したと発表しました。
With Wellness Essentials, we help you create an unforgettable food or beverage experience combining sought-after benefits and authentic taste.
With a wide offer of natural, responsibly sourced botanical ingredients, Givaudan’s mind and energy platform is designed to address a broad range of consumer needs.
Givaudan Active Beauty is able to create authentically 'green' actives that can be used to meet a growing demand from beauty consumers for products formulated with naturally sourced ingredients.
WBCSD (The World Business Council for Sustainable Development) was founded 25 years ago with a mission to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world. WBCSD is proud to bring together almost 200 forward-thinking global companies committed to advance the global sustainability agenda.
Using proprietary technology, we have developed a new source for vanillin that uses sucrose to produce a more natural solution. This solution offers the same properties as the EU standard for natural vanillin, which is produced from rice.
People have been using natural processes such as fermentation for thousands of years for example in food and wine, and now biotechnology is helping to steer the fragrance industry towards a more sustainable future. Givaudan is at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging biological techniques to produce innovative ingredients.
Watch our webinar and discover the key elements to consider when designing a successful functional beverage, to reduce the guesswork and time to market.
  • 企業
  • 新型コロナウイルス
2021年05月26日 | ジボダン社は、今年も世界中で拡大している新型コロナウイルス感染症により、極めて深刻な影響を受けている国に対象を絞り、COVID-19 Communities Fund.を通じて追加的な支援を実施すると発表しました。
  • 企業
  • サステナビリティ
2021年05月20日 | ジボダン社が、サプライチェーンの国際的なイニシアチブ、Together for Sustainability(TfS)に加盟したと発表しました。これによりジボダン社は、BASFやヘンケル、サノフィ等の会員企業30社からなる組織に加わります。
With over 30 years of experience in the plant world, our experts support you every step of the way in creating the perfect, authentic natural colour solution for meeting all your needs and challenges.
Over a period of two years, a team of engineers, operators and quality specialists managed to reduce Makó’s annual water consumption by an amount equivalent to 26 Olympic-sized swimming pools: from 345,000 cubic metres in 2014 to 280,000 in 2016.
Givaudan Cuernavaca is committed to reducing water consumption at the plant. Taking advantage of the rainy season, we will capture as much rainwater as possible to reduce our consumption of the sub-soil supply.
Our digital tools translate consumer insights into actionable data to create food and beverage products. The result? Speedier product development and a higher chance of commercial success.
Consumers want natural, recognisable ingredients that are fairly sourced, sustainable and delicious. Our TasteCollections Kitchen Ingredients offers the best of all worlds: great taste and short labels.
Just as we engage the senses with our creations, we build close relationships with local producers around the world and work in partnership to secure the long-term future of the crops and raw materials on which we all depend.
The Givaudan Foundation supports the local communities who produce the raw materials that we rely on, and which make an important contribution to our business, as well as the communities where our employees work.
Through our new Bloomful™ platform, we are combining our perfumers’ deep knowledge of bloom - an intense burst of fragrance that slowly fills the room - with detailed scientific analysis enabling us to take a more structured approach to this mysterious and desirable concept.
The most exquisite vetiver in the world is grown on the island of Haiti, a challenging environment where Givaudan works to safeguard supply of the ingredient and to support the island’s producer communities by ‘thinking and acting local’.
As a natural ingredient, vanilla plays a starring role in many of our inspirational flavours and fragrances. We team up in Madagascar for a stable supply of vanilla that is always in high demand among our customers.
Venezuela is the source of the world’s finest tonka beans, which grow wild in the forests. Givaudan partners with Conservation International to support the harvesting communities and secure the future of tonka.
Givaudan has invested in a collection network and in improving the livelihoods of hundreds of individual smallholder producers on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi since 2013 to secure a sustainable supply of patchouli.
Our local partnership further secures our litsea seeds supply and improves the production’s sustainability of associated products.
Givaudan has partnered with France Lavande and CRIEPPAM to develop a close sourcing relationship with producers and to tackle the impact of insect-borne diseases respectively.
Guarana has long been cultivated by family farmers in its natural home of the Amazon basin and in other parts of Brazil. The extract of this beautiful fruit is an important component in many of our flavour creations, and we are committed to supporting producers and ensuring its preservation.
Our longstanding partner Fridal, a leading supplier of geranium oil in Egypt, has adopted an improved sourcing approach after taking part in our Responsible Sourcing programme.
Our local presence in Madagascar helps us to secure a stable supply and to increase transparency while mitigating environmental impact with the help of The Givaudan Foundation.
In Andalusia, Spain, traditional methods of processing the fragrant cistus labdanum gum were out-dated and not optimised for local workers and the environment. Something had to be done.
Givaudan has formed a partnership with a local chilli supplier to support producers in southern India in their struggles against issues from varying climate and soil conditions.
The sour citrus fruit whose aromatic skin delivers its essential oil comes almost exclusively from Calabria, southern Italy, where Givaudan is working with local producers to ensure responsible sourcing of this natural ingredient.
Reflecting our ambition to become B Corp certified and our desire to source all materials and services in a way that protects people and the environment by 2030, we have strengthened and expanded our responsible sourcing programme into an umbrella programme called Sourcing4Good.
We are a global company which is proud to operate in myriad different societies and cultures. Our workforce should reflect that, hence our strong commitment to diversity and inclusion.
From recent graduates to senior professionals, everyone at Givaudan benefits from a variety of learning and development programmes throughout their entire career.
Ensuring the safety, health and wellbeing of everyone at Givaudan is something we take very seriously. From the day our employees start working for us we want them to feel well looked after.
The EU has strict rules on what can and cannot be labelled as ‘organic’, and in January 2022, these rules will change.
We strongly believe that working together is key to achieving a more sustainable society. We also believe that it’s important to look beyond our own business and see the ‘bigger picture’ when it comes to sustainability.
We strongly believe that working together is key to achieving a more sustainable society. We also believe that it’s important to look beyond our own business and see the ‘bigger picture’ when it comes to sustainability.
As our business grows, we must continue to act as a force for good in the world, working closely with our customers to meet their needs for more sustainable solutions and products, against the backdrop of a growing demand from society.
An employee-led initiative to switch from diesel to electric shuttle buses at sites in China is already helping us reduce GHG emissions and improving awareness of environmental protection, especially in terms of haze and atmospheric particulate matter.


Givaudan Water Policy

2021年12月23日 |

Our Givaudan Water Policy emphasises our commitment to water stewardship. As an industry leader with 250 years of heritage, we take our responsibility seriously and strive to drive a positive impact in watersheds where we source and operate. The policy therefore focuses on where and what matters most. 

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2021 Half Year Report

2021年07月22日 |

Givaudan’s Half Year Report for 2021. Good business momentum - Strong Financial performance. Givaudan Group sales for the first six months of the year were CHF 3,373 million, an increase of 7.9% on a like-for-like basis and 4.7% in Swiss francs.

2021 Half Year Results Presentation

2021年07月22日 |

Presentation for the Half Year Results Investor Conference Call on Thursday 22 July 2021.

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Responsible Sourcing Policy

2021年04月22日 |

Givaudan is committed to sourcing all materials and services in a way that protects people and the environment by 2030. As an industry leader with 250 years of heritage, we work in partnership with producers and suppliers to transform the way we source and create new value to be shared by all.

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