Group structure

Givaudan SA is the parent company of the Givaudan Group.

Givaudan is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange under security number ISIN 1064593. The market capitalisation of the Company at 31 December 2020 was CHF 34,441 million.

Group structure Givaudan SA

  Taste & Wellbeing Fragrance & Beauty
Business units Sweet Goods
Science & Technology
Fragrance Ingredients and Active Beauty
Fine Fragrances
Consumer Products
Science & Technology
Corporate functions Communications; Ethics and Compliance; Environment, Health and Safety; Finance; Givaudan Business Solutions; Human Resources; Information Management and Technology; Legal; Procurement 


Registered address

Givaudan SA
Chemin de la Parfumerie 5
1214 Vernier


Significant shareholders

Beneficial owners in 2020

13.86 %

William H Gates III and Melinda French Gates

5.06 %

BlackRock Inc.

4.99 %

MFS Investment Management
  1. Voting rights for the shares held by Nortrust Nominees Limited and Chase Nominees Limited need to be exercised in accordance with clients’ instructions.
  2. The shares held by Banque Pictet & Cie SA bear no voting rights.


You can also find information on Givaudan SA’s significant shareholders as per Art. 20 Swiss Stock Exchange Act on the SIX Swiss Exchange.

To the knowledge of the Company, the following shareholders were the only shareholders holding more than 3% of the share capital of Givaudan SA as at 31 December 2018 (or as at the date of their last notification under article 20 of the Stock Exchange Act).


The Company has one class of shares only. All shares are registered shares with a par value of CHF 10.00 each. Subject to the limitations described below, they have the same rights in all respects. Every share gives the right to one vote and to an equal dividend.

Shareholders voting and participation rights

Any shareholder who, on the day determined by the Board of Directors, is registered as a shareholder with voting rights has the right to attend and to vote at the shareholders' meeting. Each shareholder may be represented at the shareholders meeting by another shareholder who is authorised by a written proxy, by a legal representative, or by the independent voting rights representative.

The Articles of Incorporation of Givaudan SA follow the majority rules prescribed by Swiss law for decisions of general meetings of shareholders.

Shareholders registered with voting rights are convened to general meetings by ordinary mail and by publication in the Swiss official trade journal at least 20 days prior to the day of the meeting. Shareholders representing shares for a nominal value of at least CHF 1 million may demand in writing at least 45 days before the meeting, that an item be included in the agenda, setting forth the item and the proposals. Shareholders registered in the share register with voting rights at the date specified in the invitation will be convened to the ordinary general meeting. The specified date will be approximately two weeks before the meeting. The next ordinary general meeting will be held on 24 March 2022.
