
The consensus forecast set out below results from regular research reports made by analysts currently covering Givaudan, as detailed in the list below. This list has been drawn up to the best of Givaudan’s knowledge but does not purport to be comprehensive of all institutions publishing financial research on Givaudan.

Any opinions, forecasts, estimates, projections or predictions regarding Givaudan’s performance made by the analysts are exclusively theirs and do not represent the opinions, forecasts, estimates, projections or predictions of Givaudan or its management. The publication of this information on this website does not imply that Givaudan endorses, or concurs with, the reports, conclusions or recommendations of the cited analysts. Givaudan disclaims any liability for the accuracy or completeness of such information and does not assume any obligation to update it even if it becomes aware of any changes.

This information is provided for ease of reference only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell Givaudan securities.
