2021 Half year investor conference

Delivering food experiences

Our traditional Half year investor conference on 26 August 2021, was held under the heading ‘Delivering Food Experiences through our Nutrition, Health & Sense offering’.

It was hosted as a hybrid meeting that enabled 20 investors and analysts to attend the meeting in Zurich and a further 80 to participate virtually via a live webcast.

CEO Gilles Andrier opened the conference with an overview of the 2021 Half year results that confirmed the Company’s sustained good business momentum in the first six months of the year. He also reminded participants of the Company’s new five-year strategy and recapped the key themes for the 2021 outlook.

“Despite beginning the year with uncertainties from both an economic and pandemic standpoint, we have shown our resilience, our focus on supporting our customers and our ability to capture opportunities to assert our market leadership,” said Andrier.

Louie D’Amico, President of Taste & Wellbeing, followed with a presentation on the value proposition of ‘Going beyond great taste to create food experiences that do good and feel good, for body, mind and planet’. He continued with an overview of the 2025 strategy for Taste & Wellbeing and the realignment of its product portfolio.

”Our new product portfolio architecture aligns with our new value proposition and aims to better reflect how, through our expanded product offering and capabilities, we support customers to deliver future facing food experiences that consumers value,” said D’Amico.

Stéphane Dupuits, Head of Customer Excellence, Taste & Wellbeing, gave a presentation on ‘Sense, Health, and Nutrition’, in which participants were introduced to the extended market opportunity offered by Sense, Nutrition and Health Ingredients as presented a year ago in our 2025 strategy.

Dupuits said consumers increasingly look for holistic experiences beyond flavour and taste, and our leadership position and expanded portfolio enables us to be at the forefront of delivering food experiences that help solve more of our customers’ holistic challenges.

The conference finished with a question and answer session.

If you would like to have a copy of the investor presentation,
> please contact us
